Monday, September 7, 2020

The Medias Influence on the Pandemic

How to stay safe online during the COVID-19 crisis | Amnesty International

 It used to be that the news was a trusted source of information. Now, it is well believed to heighten issues around the world and cause uneasiness among the population. In such uncertain times humans will grasp for straws in order to learn more about the current situation with the pandemic. But how reliable is the information that we are being given, and how trustworthy are vulnerable citizens of what may be referred to as "fake news". 

The media would like to instill a sense of fear into viewers by providing the most serious and worst case scenarios. For example, when the pandemic began the American medias were telling viewers that the nation's food supply chain was failing. People began flocking to markets and stores to get everything that was available. This led to a depletion of essential items such as meat, canned goods, non-perishables, milk, and bread. But when there are unknown scary situations, it is human nature to panic. That is why I believe that, although the pandemic is extremely real, it tends to get heightened to non-normal limits by the media and that is when it becomes risky for the national well being.

Believe it or not, there are sources of media that can be trusted. I receive my news from our local government such as the Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear. Everyday the Governor provides updates on accurate numbers of cases within our state and tells Kentuckians what we can do to help better the health of our state. As far as COVID-19 facts outside of my home state, I choose to believe the federal government. They have been elected and are dedicated to seeing the United States thrive so I believe that the federal government will do their best to protect and inform citizens. Now the question is where do I get my information from regarding the media? Believe it or not there are reliable and fairly trustworthy media sources. I get my information from PBS News, BBC News, and ABC News. Although no source of media is going to be completely trustworthy, I have found that these media outlets are easier to sift through and find the facts. 

Although there are some more reliable sources of news than others, it is always important to check the facts. If everyone did, then they would know when to call the medias bluff. A large portion of the population that accepts fake news are the older generations. For example, whenever I speak to someone older they always tell me what is going on in the nation. Since the news media blows small facts into large proportions it creates fear within them. By targeting more susceptible areas of viewers, the media creates a wave that continues to grow larger until everyone believes this piece of news. That is why it is always good to check your sources and their information because a small piece of fake news can develop into a large fear. 

The following video will show how to find facts about the pandemic within the media.

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