Friday, October 30, 2020

Vaccine Politics

Fears COVID-19 vaccine could become powerful card in world politics | ABC News

There are many what-ifs about COVID-19 that can be quickly thrown about and dwelled upon. One thing that has been a heavy debate and what-if topic how will the dispersion of a vaccine scratch at festered and infected sores of the past and present among nations. For instance, if China develops the holy grail of a vaccine. They may be angry at the American government for the recent trade and tariff upheaval that has most recently occurred. It has been warned that Americans could have potentially another 100,000 COVID-19 deaths, so this China may want us to suffer for the grief that was thrown upon them during the conflict from the past. This could leave America and any other enemies of China stricken with Covid for however long China may choose. And since China has a growing economic influence in places like southeast Asia and Africa that would prohibit them from sharing the vaccine as well, leaving the world's hands tied. 

That scenario would result in a monstrous power shift causing many people to remain ill or die. China or the superior vaccine country would have all the power, while the weaker vaccine countries are at their mercy. If this power shifts, the rivaling nations must be prepared to come to some sort of agreement or else be at the superior nations mercy. There is without a doubt a controversy that could debate the different scenarios but in the end I hope that all the countries can find their humanity and help the health of the world to overcome this virus. 

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