Friday, October 30, 2020

Finding Ways to Stay Connected

 I was a senior when the pandemic began, it was a harsh ending to our school year and I didn't get to see my friends as often as I wanted. We all understood and knew that it couldn't be helped but it didn't make the situation any less difficult. My friends and I found a way to have the most amazing times together even in the midst of the pandemic. 

We threw a Friend Prom since we didn't get to have our senior prom and it was remarkable. My friends that I hadn't seen in a few months came to my home and we all got dressed up and had a grand party. There were lots of food, laughs, and reminiscing on our high school days. I believe that the most fun part about that night was that we didn't have to go anywhere fancy to enjoy each others company. 

Now that we have begun college it has been a big change since my friends have all split into different directions. That hasn't stopped us from seeing each other and trying to get together whenever we can. When college first began we were meeting up almost every weekend or at the least every other weekend to stay connected. Today we are still going strong and are planning to have a bonfire and outdoor movie for Halloween, and even a friendsgiving and Christmas gift exchange. 

I believe that these scenarios among the many others have shown my friends and I that we don't always have to be together to hold each other in a dear place in our hearts. That no matter how long we are apart at college we can always meet back up and pick up where we left off. That is the beautiful thing about having such a tight knit group of friends who you have known for so many years! Times are different but our friendships will never change or fail even though we are in a world pandemic. 


Friend Prom!

A Great Night

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